Third Lucid Dream [9/08/19]

Date: 9/8/2019

By BlueMoon

This one was short and earlier in the night, so it won’t be all that great. But here goes anyways! I believe the lucidity was triggered when I checked my fingers, which is the reality check I use... most often. I’m not exactly responsible with the checks, but counting my fingers is a quick habit and so far it’s worked in my lucid dreams. This time, I actually remembered wanting to fly. It ended up being... well, gliding, really. From what I recall I could glide and sometimes gain altitude while doing so. It’s kind of hard to describe, but imagine elytra in Minecraft, if you know what it is. I guess I gave up on flying pretty soon (just kind of forgot about it), which is really disappointing because NOW I wish I had flown the whole time! Argh, anyways. I decided instead to try being a mermaid. Which didn’t work because instead I was teleported to some infiltrated spaceship, which was pretty darn annoying because it wasn’t what I wanted at ALL. I think at that point I “woke up” and found myself in my bathroom. I remember thinking, ‘Wait, no... this isn’t right.’ Lo and behold, I checked my fingers again and I had 6! I don’t really remember what happened after that, because I believe it transitioned into the night’s second dream. Kind of a lame lucid dream, but at least I had it. If I’m going to be honest, my favorite part about lucid dreams so far is... the movement. Swinging my arms or curling my fingers as I study them with wide eyes... all the while being in a DREAM, where nothing is actually real... it’s such a crazy sensation to me. I love how real the movements seem, and at the same time I know it’s all in my mind. Maybe my favorite will change after I’ve done one cool thing instead of flopping around uselessly!