Discovering Kids

Date: 1/21/2023

By lisaoh

I was called to attend a meeting where there were a bunch of people who had been separated from their moms/parents as babies. They matched me up with 2 people and told me I was their birth mom. I was happy to meet them. They looked to be in their late 20s or early 30s. I noticed they looked nothing like me. And then I tried to recall when I had been pregnant with them and couldn’t remember. I mentioned this to the event organizers and they gave me an all-knowing look and said there’s no reason to assume I even knew I was pregnant. They were implying it was like a situation where aliens had impregnated me and taken the embryo without my having any idea. I didn’t know what to think but I really liked the kids. I was walking and talking with the boy and we put our arms around each other. He was so snuggly and I felt his love.