Date: 12/25/2018
By chronicsleepwalker
i was with kate and my dad, and we went to a winter wonderland walk through in this huge building and outdoor layout. when i left the group to go to the bathroom, someone came up to me and injected me with something that caused me to loose consciousness. the next time i woke up, it was 6 weeks later (i thought it was the next day) and for the rest of the dream i couldn’t fully see (my eyes were nearly closed the whole time) and i kept going in and out of consciousness. i found out what happened to me through the kardashians and instagram, because khloe and kylie were there and went through the same thing that happened to me, except kylie got released early because of complications she was having with her baby (she was still pregnant at the time). i discovered someone posted something on my finsta, it featured a big tree with a long caption expressing how amazing christmas is and to go to the spot i got abducted at. alex anderson of all people commented and expressed concern for me, saying she saw this in the news (how people were being brainwashed and hijacked). this impacted me and gave me a grasp of the reality i was now living in. me and many others would get injected daily, which forced us to remain easily influenced and extremely drowsy. one guy was running the whole show; he was obese and was doing experiments on each of us weekly. i discovered a way to avoid getting the daily injection, so i could finally think straight, even though i still couldn’t really see anything. i tried to break my dad out but i got caught and put into a coma as punishment. when i woke up, i was living in a room with an autistic girl. once again i tricked the guards into thinking i was getting injections. i forged a plan to kill the creator of this mindgame, which would be difficult to carry out. my time had finally come where he was in my room. i took out the knife i made, and he turned into a plate (he could shape shift), which actually made it easier to kill him. all kinds of sirens went off but the people being held captive started to regain consciousness and understanding. i started sprinting out of the lot, heading straight through the woods. many guards followed me but i lost a few and killed some as well. i ended up in a area vacant of plants in the forest were i just sat and thought about everything i went through. a man came up to me (i don’t remember who it was) and we created a plan together to defeat the brainwashing operation once and for all.