Lite con mio padre

Date: 8/22/2020

By TheDreamIsReal

Ho sognato di litigare con mio padre. Lui si sfilava la cinta e cercava di picchiarmi come quando ero bambino, ma io reagivo e lo fermavo. Non era in grado di farmi del male, ero più forte io.

AI generated interpretation Thank you for sharing your dream with me. In this dream, you had a conflict with your father, who seemed to be attempting to physically harm you with a belt. However, you were able to defend yourself and stop him from hurting you. It is common for dreams involving conflict with parents or authority figures to be related to feelings of powerlessness or lack of control in waking life. The fact that you were able to defend yourself and stop your father from harming you in the dream suggests that you may be feeling more in control or empowered in your waking life lately. The presence of the belt in the dream may also be symbolic. Belts are often associated with physical punishment or discipline, and in this dream, it may be representing your father's attempts to discipline or control you. Alternatively, the belt may represent a sense of being restricted or confined in some way. Overall, it is possible that this dream is a reflection of your personal growth and development, as you are becoming more confident and assertive in your interactions with others, including those who may hold authority over you.