shady business going on at super cool looking restaurant

Date: 1/19/2021

By ro

ok so. there was this really cool looking asian restaurant. it was basically a bright red cube. i was intrigued, so i decided to go inside. someone said there was more than meets the eye: the restaurant was a facade for shady business going on behind the scenes. when i went in, i went upstairs and saw my friend eating ramen with raw meat on top. it looked good except for the meat. then someone came to get me and brought me to this other place that was basically a dark hallway lined with beds. i was supposed to live here now and i couldn’t leave. all the other ppl living there were girls my age, and there was a leader who was a guy. one day we all went to a store to get clothes. i knew something sketchy was obviously going on since we were a bunch of girls who couldn’t leave, but i didn’t say anything in fear of getting caught by the leader. i was planning to come up w an escape plan or something while acting like i was going along w everything to the leader. anyways one of the girls got really mad and she got taken away bc you weren’t supposed to resist or disagree w the leader and what he made us do. then the dream ended! the end 🙏