Date: 5/27/2020
By levinelover
In some kind of dorm I had a male roommate. There was a survey that our highschool where I read at the top of the stairs that gave us With three options, then more or less being “female porno roommate that you saw naked”, “male porno roommate that you saw naked” “roommate not willing to be sexual”. I thought about what it meant and realized it meant am I watching my roommate masturbate so seeing him naked. I hadn’t, but thought maybe I should try! I was in my dorm with the dude, but he was just sitting on the floor of the kitchen talking to me, not doing anything sexual. We went to go eat a meal in a casual restaurant on a boat our dorm was on. I just looked out the window at the water most of the time. The boat started to rock in a very scary way, and I help on to him trying to rememebr other times I was on boats and if this was normal. When the rocking stopped I looked out the window and there was a couple having sex on their own little open boat. She was sitting on top of him they were both fully clothed and she was bouncing on him making a face of pleasure. Their boat got really close to ours and they were right next to our window! I could see her face perfectly I tried to angle it so I didn’t stare nonstop cause I didn’t want her to make eye contact with me and stop, I just wanted to watch. I kept looking and looking away until I got curious how she’d react seeing me make eye contact and I really looked at her face, and we were so close to eachother through the window. When she looked my way I got shy and looked away.