Date: 1/27/2019
By AJacobs
So at one point I was at... kind of Austin's house but then it sort of became my house, at least in the back end and backyard. I pooped in the shower... A lot of poop... But it wasn't wet... so I must not have actually been showering. So I tried to pick up my poop, but it wouldn't all fit in my hands (and dream self wasn't smart enough to use my shirt as a basket apparently). And by the way I was wearing clothes... in this dry shower... that I pooped in... And I peaked out of the curtains where there was a cutained off section with a toilet I think... and someone was using it. And they were waiting to use the shower... so I couldn't just leave the poop in there for them. So anyways, I try to pick up what poop I can, and then fit the rest... in my mouth. So they look kind of like the texture of meatballs... I then rush out to the backyard where I dump it all off the porch. And my mom sees and follows me, I think everyone else heard or saw me too. On the way outside the poop in my mouth becomes more squishy and actually textured like poop so I inadvertently bite into it somewhat and my teeth sink in. So I threw it off the porch and am spitting and gross and my mom is watching me. I wake up still feel gross. Feel my mouth. And think, Phew! Just a dream...