Date: 8/24/2021
By Sssmorgann
Fighting a giant war against eachbitjer but over what? Fighting sametria baker but I ripped her hair and it was a wig and she was like dude we don't go after each others hair man so then we called a truce and I led my team away from her In ground round pool in the back yard of old house, dogs, Mitchell was my friend again on snap, sent snaps of himself and MarCody and Brayan all at the gym together Lots of carrying animals with hurt legs (once someone sawed off dog leg, one got hurt in highway) Spider by back pond in the sunlight was rainbow, bailee was carrying a dog back from the highway but stopped to mess with the spider and it kept trying to grab at her ankles hut it wouldn't leave its web so nothing really happened (Def like arachne lol)