Date: 10/2/2019
By natassja666
I don’t remember most of my dream at the moment but I think I was a detective or something. I was in the apartment building with my partner knocking on a mint green door. The lighting was extremely yellow and harsh. My partner and i were both holding weapons, mine was two big metal crowbars and I kept accidentally clanging them together and it was making a loud noise. I thought nobody was going to answer the door. We were there to kill? a pedophile and his wife and grown son opened the door together. They seemed very shy and scared and like they were trying to be very quiet. We got them to exit the house after showing our bandages and closed the door to talk to them. I actually knew the son from high school. I was asking him about his relationship with his father and he was saying only positive things, but then I dropped the bomb and was like “but do you know he touches little boys?” The look on his face was instantly so sad and pained, and I knew that he did know and had been keeping his fathers secret. I hoped and silently prayed he had never been a victim himself. We entered the house with the intent to find and murder the father. His family understood what we were doing, but did not try to stop us. All of the walls in the house were painted the same mint green as the door, or dark purple.