No more scary videos before sleep

Date: 11/19/2018

By m3rbabe

I think the video was about like the top scariest enemies in video games 😂 but like I had this dream i was in some kind of shop and this family of 3 came in. It was a mother, father and daughter. The father came up to the counter and we greeted each other. Now right away I noticed he was elderly. Like his wrinkles didn’t look so much like wrinkles as they did a decaying corpse, and his mouth was stained this awful sickening green color so i was a bit shaken but not too bad. Now I don’t know why i went over to his wife and daughter, i should’ve just kept helping him, but hey, dreams you know? So i go over to his wife and i again greet them, hi how are you? Can i help with anything? His wife, her face was like sliced off. It was just hanging from a small area of skin and i tried my best to just act normal. I want to say his daughter was the same way with the addition that her face looked like it had started to rot a little more and it was a little harder to pretend i wasn’t about to shit myself. I can’t really remember what ended up happening after that. I just had a really hard time finding the motivation to go back to sleep 😰