Wasps in the Aviary

Date: 11/2/2018

By leathecage

I had an outdoor aviary with my two parakeets living in it, plus a third I had just got. It was all going well, but then I noticed that a huge cluster of wasps were hanging out in the bug trap on the wall. It was broken, so the wasps could leave once they had a taste of the sweet nectar inside. I went out of aviary to get help, but the exit lead to a restaurant where the diners were monsters who didn't speak English, but some alien language. I went back to the aviary and my mom was there, and she had apparently bought four more birds for me. I freaked out because it was more birds to care for while wasps were invading. I then ended up taking a broom and using the handle to knock on the bug trap. The strap door on it finally fell into place, so once they got in they couldn't get out. All was well, but now I just had too many birds.