Starting fires

Date: 11/28/2018

By adioselise

I dreamt that I was born to a different family with a different life/mindset/personality. My mom didn’t like our neighbor, but I’m not sure why. I had a soccer game that day. My parents took me to the field, but we couldn’t find the game so we went home. When we got home, my mom decided we should set a fire in the man’s house since he wasn’t home. We snuck into his home, lit some papers, and watched the surrounding areas slowly catch fire. We were still inside — the living room I think. We heard a car pull up and my mom started cussing. He came inside then rushed outside to report the fire. We snuck out the other door. We ran home. When the fire was settled, police men began showing up. My parents panicked and we hopped in the car. We were stopped by a police woman. She asked us what we were up to that day and if we had noticed anything. My dad was overly enthusiastic. He acted surprised and said that we were just going to get some fresh air. The police woman walked away and I told my parent, “we need a consistent story. I was sick, you guys were taking care of me all day, and now I want to take advantage of my Sunday.” They disagreed. Then, the police woman asked if we’d step out of the car for questioning.