Cranky and Meanie Together ❤?

Date: 11/14/2019

By CalMehJuly

Im in this gym with my classmates who may be my teammates and my crush and rival are there too, HJ (same person). We are on the bleachers. He is sitting behind me. Im sitting with my teammates and all of them are crowded around me (1 or 2 girls (L is one of them I think) and like 3-5 boys ) worrying about me. My feet and legs hurt and I could walk perfectly. HJ and his rude cold behavior said YOU DIDNT TRY YOUR BEST AND ITS URFAULT anyway and etc. I yelled at him back saying I did. Our team said calm down and dont be mean to me. They said HJ should message my feet and legs over a bucket container that was black and round rectangle shape with water and a sponge. And bubbles. He said fine. Romantic anime moment! Lol. Anyway we were on a volleyball team or track team I think (i watch volleyball anime )