Father/Son Civil War

Date: 9/30/2019

By letmeoutofhere

I’m in a mobile home. It is decrepit and falling apart and filling with water like a disaster has occurred. The level of the water is increasing. Debris is in the water all around me. I pace the length of the trailer, trying to find a way out, but I am trapped. I walk back and forth through the debris filled water until an exit appears; a window with green foliage outside. I leave the water filled mobile home and outside there is a civil war. There are teams of father and son fighting against each other. Young boys are shooting and killing each other. I pretend to be dead near a body. A grizzled old man with a rifle passes by, looks me dead in the eye, but lets me live. The dream ends with a very pretty boy saving me from where I was. (It was the actor Cody Fern)