Licked the dust

Date: 10/5/2019

By Purple

In my dream, I had a cat toy in a hard plastic case. It was rectangular and needed a sharp knife or scissors to cut open. It was an odd cat toy inside: it was some sort of clock. I was disgusted with myself because I had it for so long and never opened it, but it was also layered with enough dust, it formed dust bunnies. At first I blew off some dust. That only got me aggravated even more. Then I had the urge to lick the container. GROSS! In my dream, I had a cat toy in a hard plastic case. It was rectangular and needed a sharp knife or scissors to cut open. It was an odd cat toy inside: it was some sort of clock. I was disgusted with myself because I had it for so long and never opened it, but it was also layered with enough dust, it formed dust bunnies. At first I blew off some dust. That only got me aggravated even more. Then I had the urge to lick the container. GROSS! In my dream, I had a cat toy in a hard plastic case. It was rectangular and needed a sharp knife or scissors to cut open. It was an odd cat toy inside: it was some sort of clock. I was disgusted with myself because I had it for so long and never opened it, but it was also layered with enough dust, it formed dust bunnies. At first I blew off some dust. That only got me aggravated even more. Then I had the urge to lick the container. GROSS! In my dream, I immediately thought (or said out loud), “Ugh! Disgusting! Why did I do THAT?!” Waking notes: Dream was a direct correlation to how dusty my apartment is currently. Maybe the dusty clock signifies time passing by and I’m not taking advantage of playing in my life. Waking notes: Dream was a direct correlation to how dusty my apartment is currently. Maybe the dusty clock signifies time passing by and I’m not taking advantage of playing in my life. w dusty my apartment is currently. Maybe the dusty clock signifies time passing by and I’m not taking advantage of playing in my life.