Date: 1/7/2017
By crowlings
So my dream started off with my sister and I in a hotel being led to these rooms by security. The hotel was like really old and looked sort of like a haunted hotel with like really tall wooden doors. So we arrive at this two rooms with these black orbs in the middle of the door and we get shoved in. There are these two people(don't remember who or what they look like) who have abducted us. So they give us like 'Sprite' that is actually like sleeping drinks so we pass out and can't do anything. So when we wake up we apparently have to listen to them and they tell us that in a week we will have to lead them to someplace so they can abduct or steal something really important. My sister and I are kept in separate cells but we are coming up with a plan to escape and stop the people who abducted us. I come up with this plan that when they take us to the bathroom to get changed, I will actually take these weird cloth things that would help us. So week passes by we secretly don't drink the weird stuff they give us and actually trick them into drinking it and then escape. However the hotel is HUGE and is basically a maze so we eventually get stuck. However, we found almost everyone but now we are stuck on this huge level with like a drink serving place and these security robots soldiers that are alive. So what I do is I go to the leader of the robot things and I basically make him fall in love with me. Then I go to the drink serving place and give the robot a drink that is full of the stuff that makes him dizzy and not really aware of anything. Then I trick him by saying whatever he does he can't split up his robot soldiers and to stay safe they have to go into this closet. So I lock them in there. Then someone else found a way out of the huge level and we go down into this stadium that is filled with stations of food. At this point to prepare ourself for the final 'battle' everyone goes around and eats the food. For some reason we have to go around in pairs so I'm put with this dude named Triton. So we go around in circles eating all the foods especially the cookies icecream and cupcakes. Finally we have our final battle thing with the two people who originally abducted my sister and I. The battle consists of using the cloth things we stole from them and building these thingies while they are attacking us. (I don't remember the details just images). it's sort of like a game where we had to stretch out the cloth things. In the final 'level' our building isn't very secure and fell in half... I don't remember what happened in between but I think the reason why we couldn't escape the hotel was because the exit or the end of the hotel was actually in the rooms we were being held captive in in the begginning so we had to try and find them again... And the rest is not very clear.