Tini, old bedroom

Date: 3/17/2020

By vzask1

For some reason I think I’m in California. I’m outside standing on a large patch of grass. I’m looking across a street and I see more grass and a chain link fence. Beyond the fence is a school, and beyond the school is a city. Tini is with me. He is younger, probably around 5 or 6 years old. He’s with a group of children. I tell tini to stay on this side of the road. He is not allowed to cross the street. It’s dangerous. I turn my back on him for a second. When I turn back around he and the children are crossing the street. I run after them. Luckily none get run over by a car. When I get to him I grab his arm and scold him for disobeying me. I tell him it’s dangerous and he could get killed. He cries and hugs me and says sorry. Then I’m in my old bedroom at my grandma’s house. The walls are covered in the old brown paneling. My day bed is by the window. The old vanity is where it use to be. The carpet is ugly brown and old. My bed has a silky floral bedspread. I lay down on it and close my eyes. Someone enters the room and sits on my bed next to me. I don’t open my eyes, but I know it’s my stranger. His hand is warm when it touches and caresses my cheek. Then he gets up and walks out of the room.