Date: 8/15/2019
By noisy28cat
It started out with me going to my cousin's wedding. All of my cousins were in the car with us. There were these 2 old bearded guys who I for some reason thought were also my cousins. We got out of the car and the two old guys got out a balloon and both held onto the string. Someone told me that every 18 minutes they do this and make a treaty with each other. Then they let the balloon go and we all walked into this weird building. It was like an old person's house. Probably a collector/explorer. Everything was made of wood and there were rare objects all over the place. There was a thing that looking like a telescope, but when you turned a knob on it, it projected a picture of either itself or a violin (I don't remember exactly) onto the ceiling. Eventually I got to a place where there was hole in the floor with a weird ladder going down into it. I looked down it and saw a living room with my family sitting in chairs in a circle and the two guys holding a balloon again. I climbed down the ladder, but it was difficult because all of a sudden I had stuff in my hands. In one hand I had a piece of paper, I forget the other. While I was climbing down the ladder they asked me why I was bringing stuff. I said something along the lines of, "I have a great game for us to play", even though I didn't at all. They asked me what the game was and I couldn't think of one to save my life. Then my dad chimed in and guessed what the game was. It didn't make any sense but I said "yeah that's it". I don't remember what he said, but I guess we didn't do it because I just ended up hiding the paper I was holding and they had to find it. I went over to the bathroom to talk to my sister through the door. The bathroom was right next to the laundry room so I tore up the paper and shoved it under the washing machine. I thought I was being pretty sly. When I returned to the living room, my mom was still there but instead of everyone else that was there before, there was a girl from my church and a bunch of other people that I didn't notice. I said "ok I hid it, go find it" and everyone ran off to look. Especially my mom, who kept saying "I know where she hid it! I know where she hid it!" The girl from my church went into the laundry room. I went too and started looking. Then I realized that was dumb and got up off the floor. I was surprised she didn't find it, she looked under the dryer but not the washer. I think other people had hidden papers too because apparently there were like 6 in different rooms and so there were a bunch of people looking around the whole house. Then all of a sudden I was at camp. In a different state. My mom was gone. There were just like every girl in my youth group and the girl leaders from my church. I guess it was an all-girl camp. Note: I hate camp so I don't know why I went. After everyone was done looking for the papers they all went to some treehouse and I started wandering around, trying to cope with the fact that I would be here for a week. I almost cried. Skip forward a little bit, (bc I already forgot what happened next) I went to the treehouse everyone was at. When I got to the top of the ladder, I threw a chip bag with a clip on it and it hit my friend's head. I started laughing and apologized, but she turned around and me a dirty, unforgiving look. That surprised me a little but I kept laughing. Then someone told me that no one found any of the papers. I climbed down the ladder and into what looked like my home kitchen. I leaned against the counter to talk to someone and looked down to see a cockroach on the tray of a highchair. (we don't have a highchair at my house) I freaked out because I hate bugs and ran to the other side of the kitchen. The girl I was talking to, who was the same girl I threw the chip bag at but apparently she forgave me, killed the roach. Then she said "Where's the other one? There's usually two". So we started looking around and then we called the Cockroach Jail. Yes. That was a thing. The sheriff picked up and we told him one of this roaches escaped. He misunderstood and said something like "Wait, I escaped? Darn it why did I do that?" And then we saw this little tiny fat man with a red shirt who looked nothing like a sheriff scurrying across the floor. We stopped him and explained that we said that a cockroach had escaped, and he immediately turned into one. Not just a regular one though, a GIANT one. Like, a cockroach pillow. Coming right at me. This time we both FREAKED OUT and I climbed onto the island and tried to smash it with a broom. At one point I made a dent in its back but then it SPRINGED BACK UP and I was like "ok I'm done bye" and I woke up.