COVID manhunt

Date: 10/2/2020

By JernsDreams

buckle up this one is going to be long. I am just going to word vomit as much as I remember basically the gist of this dream is a Covid themed manhunt. it took place in what seemingly meant to be a university however it did not look like mine. There was also a lot of outdoor space being used during this manhunt. it started with one person having Covid (but actually). if you came in contact with anyone with Covid you would turn into a Covid zombie. The people who were infected actually resembled zombies, however it was meant to be a game of the last man standing. I started outside behind a row of buildings which represented houses. A covid zombie quickly approached me and was about to infect me when I said to him “oh it looks like you have a boogie right there. If you want to go clean that up I will wait for you until you return.” he gave me a confused look and did not trust me at first but nonetheless he left to go clean up his boogie. this is when I took the opportunity to escape. I ran behind all of the buildings and found one of my close friends. there was a Covid zombie rapidly approaching the both of us and we thought that the best idea was to climb this very large tree nearby. I climbed all the way to the top up where the branches are so thin. My friend was climbing up behind me with the Covid zombie on our tail. Since we were so high up The tree started to tip over in almost a comical way. It then snapped back launching the Covid zombie about a 100 yards away into a large lake. since I was at the very top of the tree I was holding on very tightly as the tree actually came all the way to the ground and I almost got infected by another zombie however the tree snapped back to the right up position. I eventually made my way inside the main building which was supposed to represent the University. It was quite large and did not look like the school that I attend. it was quite odd as many of the rooms resembled an officer classroom and the other half of the room had a bed and closet. these were common hiding places as there was a lot of clothes blankets and pillows that could be used as cover. I had made my way around the school visiting various rooms and hiding when I discovered my academic advisor‘s office. it seem to be a safe haven from the Covid zombies as there were a few other students and blankets to stay comfortable. We kept the door locked, only opening it four uninfected individuals and four approved bathroom trips. in the bathroom there was another bed and a closet. they were also blinds that were open so people could see in. This pose a problem as me and one other friend we’re now able to be seen in this bathroom to the covid zombies. when the coast is clear we made the run back down the hallway to the office. I wanna became evident that this place was no longer safe a lot of people try to hide within the confines of the room. However this was not a smart tactic because there was no where to go. Only one way in and one way out. once escaping the office that was now taken over by Covid zombies and additional infecties, I made my way to another bedroom and closet set up. People who had here were often easily caught as the zombies knew that this was a popular hiding spot. I managed to hide myself very well in a closet. My friend was also with me. She was found but I was not. I had gotten lucky enough to cover myself adequately and my body was not able to be felt at the pile was touched. Then one of my friends from school entered the closet. I recognized his voice. He said that I was one of three people left in the game. I’ll seemingly followed him out of my very great hiding spot in which appeared to be maybe the bookstore or something of the like. Soon after, I was infected and lost the game putting me in second place. it was an old teammate who had gotten me out. However she did not look or act like a Covid zombie but still infected me. This is when the dream became more geared toward it being a game and less about zombies. The person who won was an underdog and I was quite upset as according to the dream I had previously been in the top three multiple times for a university wide manhunt game. the end