
Date: 8/29/2020

By sadinarus

I had a dream that I was killed. But somehow I was brought back to life. The way I was killed I was by a friend of mine. We were hanging outside and it was really sunny. They suggested that we go inside some abandoned home and relax. I was hesitant but I went anyways. We were standing in the kitchen of this very run down home. There was food in the fridge so we ate some icees. I was sitting on the counter and he/she (the gender changes often) was standing in front of me. We were talking. Then all of a sudden (the perspective is that I see everything as if I’m an onlooker) a door swings open. It’s the person who Lives there. Before they even get the chance to step foot into the house. My friend picks up a shovel and bashes it into my head. Killing me. The floor in the kitchen was black and white tiles (like a checker board). Eventually I wake up back in this palace type place. It’s huge. I believe I’m some sort of princess. All of my friends are gathered around me. Even the one that “killed” me. And they are all apologizing because they realized what they did and they never meant to do it. I forgave them. And they were all in there way to leave the castle forever and possibly get killed themselves. I believe I was some sort of princess. And I watched them all leave. And I was left in my bed. Something didn’t feel right though. So I sit up getting ready to walk but My sister comes and lights a candle in my room. She’s in armor. I guess she’s a knight. (All of this is for some reason, inspired by the seven deadly sins anime on Netflix). So looks like she hates me and literally mutters under her breath when she walks away. Even after I say thank you she’s still upset. When she leaves the room, I walk through the palace and see there are MANY students that are working on stuff. And these rooms are massive. I try and sneak by as best as I can. And for some reason I’m in the teachers office. Where a few of the teachers go to work on stuff at there desk. I went to talk to my high school math teacher, Mr.Holloran. But he told me he had to step out for a minute and to tell him everything that happened when he gets back. My 2nd grade teacher Mrs.Coffee sees me sitting in a chair in the office and asks what I’m doing there. I tell her I was killed but something doesn’t add up. And she wants me to tell her what happens but I tell her to wait until Mr.Holloran (Mr.H)gets back. As I say that he walks back and sits back down in his chair. I then go ahead and tell my story. As I tell my story I’m seeing scenes of what me and my friends are doing in the present time in order to solve this mystery. As I tell Mr.H that something was wrong with my friends eyes, I’m sneaking out of the building with a friend. We step outside of the window in the huge ass classroom and we need to jump but it looks super far. So I wait and stay ducked down so my sister doesn’t see me sneaking out from inside. The kids inside though are laughing at u because we failed to realize that the jump was literally not even one story high. So we jump out. As i continue talking and telling my teacher that I think my friend was hypnotized, his eyes were blue and red spirals and his voice would change and become way deeper, me and my friends were back at our secret hide out. We were all together ima huge group. I believe all of them had some sort of powers like in The seven deadly sins. And I told them that I don’t think they were the ones that killed me. So we were all on this mission to figure Out who was behind everything. I had my suspicion that it was the 7th deadly sin (which is complete different in my dream). He was the most powerful out of all of everyone. And he had the power to hypnotize people with the same red and blue spirals in someone’s eyes. However later on we were all gathered in a car reviewing everything that we knew so far. And the 7th deadly sin proved that it couldn’t have been him. So we found out that it had to have been a copycat that hasn’t perfected his skill. I didn’t mention it to the group but I also suspected that the person who walked into the house that me and my friend were in had to be the person behind it. Because we never saw there face and we were both fine before they even stepped foot in the house. So we were gathered in the car (which is way too modern for the time period we’re actually in) and the person who killed me in the first place had to go to there car that’s parked right in front of ours. For some reason she’s handcuffed to her windshield wiper and tries to go around to the drives side of the car. This guy who’s car is parked next to hers comes with his grocery cart and tries to get into his car. That’s when my friends tone changed and she started yelling at the guy and hitting him. And then something clicked in my mind and I had an idea. But then I woke up. THE END.