hourglass battle

Date: 1/30/2017

By oscinian

Hourglass battle I'm in a futuristic spaceship/space station that's very large (~1/2 a mile wide at it's largest point of empty space). It's in the shape of an hourglass. I realize that the space station is this shape whenever I move from one half to the other: I travel through the walls of the station, the inside still visible as if the walls are invisible from the outside. I then pick up speed and enter the middle of the other side. This moving happens multiple times in the dream, probably running away from what's chasing me. Everything is a sterile white or grey, and there are many floating shapes and colors in the large negative space that my brain interprets as signs. The closest thing the inside looks like is the spaceship from walle, except floors are everywhere and gravity's fucked. I'm constantly confronting/being chased by fellow ship members (adult, normal-looking). 4-5 people total, however the number of people directly in my vision/actively chasing me is usually less. I'm sometimes running on foot successfully or jumping really high to another wall that's also a floor. When I confront one of the people, it's with a random object that I just found on the ground. Main weapons used were a bat, a coffee maker, and other things I can't remember. Both were extremely clumsy, and the people were equally as clumsy. The bat: the bat I think was in zero gravity while I wasn't; it was moving as if it was floating and my wrists didn't work at all (completely limp) so I abandoned it after one encounter. Imagine the bat and my wrist in zero-gravity ragdoll physics. The bat also went through me, which was the moment I decided that it wasn't working. The coffee maker: the coffee maker also kinda floated like a balloon except it's weight felt surprisingly normal when I tugged it (gravity's fucked). I tried swinging it like a mace with the cable as the chain, but I kept losing my balance/missing. The other person I remember was on the other side of the table, jerking back and forth the way two people do in a game of tag when there's a table in the way. The floor was very slippery although falling was really slow. The person also seemed to have a hard time and we both had to constantly grab the table to pull ourselves up. At some point about halfway through the dream, one of the floor-catwalk-edge-ring things (haven't noticed it before, was probably just on it) falls inwards towards the middle of the hourglass (I'm in third person while watching this). I assume that the people wanted that to happen although it fell accidentally.