Date: 10/23/2018
By e6life
As with many dreams, I don’t exactly recall when or how this dream began. All I know is that, at one point, I realized I was in some sort of afterlife. What I saw around me was a city. Not exactly a bustling downtown, yet not a quiet suburb. The buildings were a bit run down, like those you’d see in an inner city residential area. It was fairly warm there, more than average. Wherever there were trees, they were palm trees or medium sized shrubs. The sky, strangely enough, was colored a hazy, rust color. I explored the area a bit, until I realized I might find Becca, my cousin who died years ago (that part is true). Along the way, I met our other cousin, Nick. Now, he’s not dead, but he somehow had maybe a vacation house or something there. Not entirely sure. Either way, unlike in reality, he wasn’t very friendly to me. He seemed rather angry for some reason. He treated me like I was more of an annoyance. Still, he knew where Becca lived and drove me to her house. Once he dropped me off and sped away, I asked my aunt, Judy (not dead, either), who came to the door, if I could stay a while. Although she was kind about it, she refused without any specific reason. I saw Becca looking out the window. When we saw each other, she turned around as if in shame. This is pretty much all I recall. I don’t know why everyone was so distant. Oh well. Its just a dream, right?