In Someone’s House

Date: 5/11/2020

By annekos

So at the end of this dream, we are somehow like late for some big event, or flights. I think it’s a flight. And town is all different, there’s strange businesses like new different restaurants, maybe it’s post Covid so everything is all different. We were at the foothill Blvd house. Someone else lived there, but we snuck in to use their shower, it’s someone we kind of know, like a friend. However, we didn’t know that our friend wasn’t home and his dangerous gun toting friends had kind of “taken over”. So joeys in there, showering, and I am trying not to let these guys with guns into the room. There’s also a dog, I think it’s being nice, in the friends room. I jam the door with a chair, and Joey and I escape out the back door and down the stairs. His old red car the Sunfire is somehow there, and he jump into it, and fly up the driveway, and directly THROUGH the fence. Then I woke up all disturbed.