Dad freezes to death in his own yard

Date: 9/14/2019

By pinkstar16121

I was there in the yard with him. We were with my two neighbors. They had died too. It actually started out where I was with my dad, my stepmom, and my little sister. We were outside at this small table like the one my sister uses to eat in front of the TV. We were apparently at a restaurant because we ordered. We were supposed to just order beverages because I guess we were going to be eating dinner somewhere else at some party in a couple hours. We ended up ordering these chocolate pastries though that were reminiscent of Drake's yodels, but better. I can't remember the context too well, but I had eaten one before this in a different setting and so I was getting deja vu as I ate them. My aunt was suddenly there and she said they came even bigger, but we all agreed it'd be too much and this was a good size. We shared three small ones or normal-sized ones compared to the jumbo size. We had ordered beverages, but I can't remember what we ordered. Then we got up and were walking, and there was suddenly this random boy whose vocal chords were like paralyzed because he could not speak above a whisper. We saw one of my neighbors who was going to die with her friend and my dad. It's weird because she is dying irl of COPD, but I don't know why my mind would put her in this fatal scenario. Anyway that paralyzed vocal chord guy utter the quietest hello to her just like the low talker in Seinfeld, which of course, she didn't hear. Then, I said much more audibly "hi, (insert name). She turned around and smiled at me and I think said hi. My stepmom was then gone and I was in what was my dad's front yard, but it didn't look like it. The yard was covered in like two and a half feet maybe three feet of snow. My two neighbors were there. My dad had my little sister too. She was a baby in this baby carrier. I then just left and before I knew it, I found out they had all frozen to death. I saw them all face-down and unresponsive in the snow. My sister had miraculously and impossibly survived though, especially since they were not found till three months later. I found this out from my stepmom, and I was actually able to talk to my dad's spirit. I had asked him how long he was out there. Being able to talk to his spirit that appeared to me in full body form felt weird and like he wasn't really gone. It was weird especially when I was asking him about his death when it felt like he was still here. My stepmom also told me my dad's date of death, which was January 5th. I didn't think about it till now, but that meant they were out there since October. So, in my dream we had a repeat of the '11 October blizzard. I live in New England. I didn't know how this had happened, how no one checked or saw them and why I'd defied all logic, just ditching and forgetting about them, especially my own sister, but I wanted her to survive so my brain made the impossible happen. I said to my stepmom that obviously an angel had been watching over her. It was strange because she held no emotion. I didn't see her mourn, but she was also able to see my dad's spirit. Before that though, I remember being in my room with my dad's spirit and that's where he told me he'd been out there for three months. It also doesn't make sense how they didn't try to get back in the house. My dad started acting like the typical dad I grew up with, treating me like a child and telling me to make sure I made my bed and kept my room clean. It was annoying. I talked to my mom and said I'd thought about how I might feel when my dad died, which probably would be without much emotion, not like I'd be when my mom dies. I have little emotional connection to my dad. I told my mom that I'd thought about how I'd feel when he died, but I didn't expect he'd die while I was in my 20's. I think I might have been thinking 21, but I'm 25. I was actually upset and I think shed some tears. I couldn't believe he was dead. And actually I lied; I think I did see my stepmom mourn. She said in a tone of disbelief "He's gone." I think this was during our conversation about my dad being out there for three months and about when he died. Then I was in this bedroom in her house that didn't look like her house. The bedroom kind of reminded me of my dad and stepmom's bedroom in their old apartment. I was with her and my little sister who was like about two now, but not that much time had passed, and she was all excited, telling me about this dance thing she was in and this photo shoot with one other baby "oh cool," I said. There is one part I remember really clearly. My dad's spirit was there and he said he had to go to bed, meaning he had to leave. My stepmom then went to give him a hug/kiss, but then gave up/changed her mind mid-attempt with a flick of her hand like "oh, what's the point?" She knew he wasn't real and she couldn't touch him. The last part we were in my stepmom's kitchen, which actually looked like her kitchen. My dad's spirit was there. I stood in front of the sink, washing either dishes or my hands, I think dishes. I was then also trying to call an Uber. This part came after I had been in public in front of the Dunkin Donuts plaza in my town and I somehow knew this red car that was driving by and slowing down was an Uber. It no sooner sped off though and I saw this girl come running. She had called the Uber, but she wasn't in plain sight so the guy couldn't find her. He came back for her though. I was with my mom during this, and I had explained to her I knew how to call an Uber. "You have to be standing in plain sight," I said. "I know how to call an Uber. So then I was in my stepmom's kitchen, calling an Uber. It took a while, but then I was connected to a driver who it said was like 1 minute away, but it was actually counting down the seconds til it would arrive and it said 00:59. I quickly tried to gather my things and rush out the door, which doesn't exist in their house irl. It suddenly didn't look like I was at my dad's house. I had to walk down these steps and then I sort of fell and couldn't get back up. The driver was here. It was dark out. I saw him standing outside and his nice blue car. I told him he had a nice car. I tried to get up again, but my legs were like super weak. I apologized to him. I think he came over to try to help me up. Then I woke up.