this has to be the longest dream of all time

Date: 9/17/2022

By kceisbrenner

i'm just about to start a race of some sort. i'm with talia and we walk to the starting point--the drug cul de sac. there are two four wheelers at the starting line, a yellow and a black one. i drive bc talia doesn't know how. we start the race and go around the circle a few times before we realize there's no one racing us. like it's just us. we're just driving in circles. we drive back to the starting line and there's two random boys i don't recognize. they challenge us to a "golf race" and which apparently is when you run around the block and hit a bunch of golf balls into holes in the neighbors yards. talia and i are confused bc the guys just start swinging their clubs wildly and just hitting the balls at superhuman speed to literally wherever. they aren't even aiming at anything. we think it's stupid so we leave. somehow i walk from home to up north. someone comes and tells me everyone's anchoring out. when we get out on the water the only boats are grandpas and the lowries, but there's like a fuck ton of ppl. idk where they all came from. i ask ms amber to hand me my phone. she hands it to maddy, who hands it to sierra from soccer. she's floating in an inner tube with her laptop on her lap (?) and sets my phone down on it. i jump off the front of the pontoon and swim over to get it. before i get there, someone starts tickling sierra and she flips over. my phone sinks and i swim under to grab it but i can't get to it. i watch it sink until i can't see it anymore. i try to swim back to the surface but i can't find it. i panic for a little bit but eventually i manage to float back up. i swim back to the cottage. i'm there for a bit and the younger versions of all my friends keep knocking on the door. every time i open the door, the handle hits the person in the face. once it was maddy, and when the door hit her she looked at me and said "you're boring" and left. eventually i got tired of answering the door so i went to see if anyone wanted to walk to the corner store for ice cream. brianna autumn and i start walking down the road, but it's not right,, it was really weird and different. we walk up a hill and when we get to the top there's a giant soccer field. there are a bunch of brazilian people in white t shirts with red handprints on them. they want me to play but i don't want to, so they hold my friends hostage unless i do. so i agree and i run home to get a white t shirt. on the way home i pass the Rock (as in Dwayne, the) sitting on a car and talking to himself, right where coles house would be. i get to the creek and i hear an engine coming. there's a massive tree fallen across the road so i hide behind it. i look down the road and see a guy on a futuristic tron-looking four wheeler come barreling down the road. he crashes into the tree, then turns and walks back the way he came. he keeps coming back with a variety of futuristic vehicles with glow lights all over them. he crashes them all into the tree, then when he's done he walks across the tree, dives into the creek, and doesn't resurface. i run the rest of the way home. i tell dad and mary and we all go back to the field. when we get to the bottom of the hill, a bunch of laser guns with yellow beams start shooting at us. we find blue guns in front of us on the ground. we start firing back but we can't see anything over the crest of the hill. we start to press forward but they surround us. the dream ends.