Bird box dream but I haven’t even seen that movie

Date: 5/18/2019

By Brianisop

Starts with this guy at home with his cat, he’s eating in his kitchen and he watches his cat come out of like the living room, the cat like jumps through the door and shakes his body weirdly and growls. He then u-turns back in to the room, comes back a second later and does the same actions. Then the guy notices this and watches the room closely, the next time the cat does it, he sees the leg of like Bigfoot and screams, he runs out of the house screaming and drives off with his cat. He drives so reckless that he drives through a buildings window and carries on driving into the mountains. As he drove through this building he knocked off 2 kids that were peering into the building and it was phineas And ferb, but I am phineas in this dream. Phineas (me) runs around with ferb going “he ruined our experiment” and we tracked the guy down into the mountains. We see that him and a few others settled and started building huts/houses to live in and we decide to help. He tells us about the creature and we panic. Skip to the future, me and ferb built a safehouse where we could infinitely respawn. From inside we watched ourselves run into another part of the other building and never come back, but they respawn in the other room because of some mechanism we built. Eventually this creature realised we beat him and he fully commits to finding us, he gets to all of us and we all end up getting convinced to kill ourselves by the rope. Except, it didn’t work on me, I thought it was because phineas doesn’t really have a neck, but it was because of our respawning, so I was still alive even though I had been on the rope, and I pretended to be dead while the creature ( that looked like the grinch) laughed and seemed to talk to himself. But then I accidentally laughed at him and he realised I wasn’t dead and he hit me with his palm and my like soul or something came out of my body and I was like floating around outside of my body (this is like the dr strange movie in the spirit world), and I was surrounded by other like spirits, then they were about to attack me but I woke up.