I need Jesus

Date: 10/13/2020

By HaysPotato

So this just happened to me, part of it is dreaming but I am certain that I was awake for half of it. I've been hanging out in my room for like an hour since I first woke up and I decided that I wanted to get another hour of sleep in before school started so I went back to sleep - except I didn't. I dreamed immediately that I was in a room with two other people, one on the far side sitting on the sofa and another next to me that I was only acutely aware of, they only spoke to me, and didn't have a physical form more than the idea of a figure standing beside me. "She's possessed." The figure said, and I looked up to the woman who had now stood from the couch and began walking towards me. "Are you okay?" I asked, and her body began almost glitching out, as if she had been two separate frames of an animation that were being flipped back and fourth repeatedly. "Satan has her" the figure said as the girl finally approached me and began to speak in this deep inhuman voice. I don't remember a word it said, only that everything went black and red whenever the voice was heard, and I was unable to see anything. When he finally shut up the figure spoke again, "he is submissive, tell him to sit like a dog and he will do so." Mind you I felt no fear through the entire interaction, and at this point I had begun to laugh loudly, "submissive Satan? Sit Satan! Sit!" The woman looked pissed, and everything went black and red again and the voice said something about how he would have his time before I was thrust back into reality. My eyes opened and I could see my arms and my bedroom wall before me, and my whole body felt fuzzy. It was like when a limb falls asleep, but it had invaded my entire body. Every time I blinked I had to make a conscious effort to keep my eyes open or I'd hear that voice again saying things I still don't remember. I couldn't open my mouth to respond or even to scream - hell, I couldn't open my mouth to breathe! My limbs wouldn't move at all no matter how much I willed them to, and as time progressed I grew more and more terrified - regardless of how much I tried to force myself to relax. In my head I started talking about God, and I remembered once when I was little my dad told me that if ever I were afraid that I should call Jesus' name and all the demons will cower in fear. So that's what I did, repeatedly I said nothing more than "Jesus" over and over and over, and every time I did the tingling sensation only worsened while the sound of my own blood amplified in my ears. I couldn't hear and I couldn't move or feel anything, but after what felt like several minutes of fighting a mental battle, the tingling dispersed everywhere except for my sides, where it amplified then immediately died down. The voice said something, then as if I had broken some sort of spell I opened my mouth and was able to breathe again. Everything stopped and I could once again hear the music that I had previously fallen asleep to.