Date: 7/1/2023
By incurableflame
It was a complete reinvention of Twilight, the only thing in common with the original being some character names and vague physical resemblance. It started off with me being at work in the shoe shop. A female customer was asking whether a certain style of shoe came in white. I relayed this question to my boss who was right there; a stupid question that I knew the answer to but needed to confirm and also because I'm still new I don't have much confidence in myself. I remember seeing some really stylish sneakers for girls with huge platform heels. Finally it was time to go home. It got really dark outside and wet and foggy like it had just stopped raining. On my way home I passed through an outdoor seating area for a local pub & restaurant kind of like irl but everything looked different & urban. Passing by I glimpsed the inside of a pub and people hanging out in there, having a good time. The seating area was bustling with people. As I passed between the tables some woman called me "come here baby!" I ignored her but was low-key flattered to be catcalled by a woman. Once the people were behind me, I walked on a little ways and then turned right into a side street. My plan was to take my usual (? not real life) shortcut home. I felt like someone was following me but I didn't feel unsafe. I walked on until I approached a fancy gated entrance to the driveway of a private property. The person behind me caught up and I saw it was just a girl. She seemed frightened & confused and also wanted to take the same shortcut. Apparently this private residence was new, before then people used to pass by the area to get to another neighborhood, until one day it wasn't allowed anymore. Anyways, the girl was upset about Lana Del Rey tickets being sold out so fast (irl reference), I pretended to feel sorry for a minute but I wanted to leave. We were looking through the gate thinking if we should risk going through the private property. She was too scared but I decided I'll risk it. There was a wide opening in the wall to the left side of the gate, like the wall hasn't been finished being built yet, and I walked through to the other side. It was pretty dark out, only a distant streetlight and a blue-silver light from what I assume was a full moon. The girl started "what are you doing?" "I'm taking a shortcut" I replied. I was totally confident I could sneak through this driveway undetected. "Bella, wait!" The girl called back behind me but I didn't look back. I got about halfway into the driveway until I saw a man's figure opening another gate ahead of me with shrubs/trees around it and walking towards me, the moonlight was behind him outlining his silhouette in this foggy hazy light. I stop as he gets closer walking toward me and he lifts his hand, holding some kind of a device - a phone? Two things click in my head as I recognise him. 1) there are security cameras and he saw the live feed on his phone 2) it's Edward fucking Cullen. "Edward?" I call out, now I feel like I'm in big trouble. I know he's a vampire, his whole family are. And I've been caught (unknowingly) trespassing on their territory. SHIT. These are not exactly the friendly "vegetarian" vampires from the actual Twilight, in this dream I am not safe, regardless (or even because) of my relationship with Edward. Anyway, I turn around and see Rosalie has come up behind me. I am surrounded by vampires and I have nowhere to run. I fall to my knees and apologise profusely, I think I even started crying, begging for my life to be spared. Edward and Rosalie looked at each other, one of them asked the other "what shall we do with her?" "It's up to you." Then a black car pulls up near us, back passenger door opens and I see what I assume to be Esmé Cullen, but she looks a bit different and her vibe is cold & intimidating. I just instinctively know she's the "Mother Vampire". Beside her on a leash is a buff shirtless guy with fair features, built like a young viking warrior. But something is wrong with him. His mouth is slightly open and drooling, he's staring into space with these glazed-over silvery-blue eyes and generally looks like he's under some extreme mind control and like he's in a lot of pain as well. Somehow I knew he was a werewolf who was suffering because the vampires found a way to prevent werewolf transformations, which cause the men/women extreme pain, which the vampires then exploit for their own sick reasons. I feel so sorry for this guy, who reminds me of an abused dog, obedient like a trained slave, with no sense of himself and no free will. And this vampire lady who has him as a pet just because she enjoys humiliating & torturing werewolves who cannot fight back. As I focus more on the werewolf everything around me fades out and I remember that I know the guy from school (in dream). He was one of my classmates, his name was Nathan or Nathaniel. His surname had the word Hawk in it. Hawkins? I remembered him in English class when we had a homework assignment about Sitcoms and he asked the teacher to clarify the specifics, but everyone thought he was asking a dumb question on purpose and we kinda laughed (he was a class clown kinda guy). I remember the English teacher too and how she bore a resemblance to the Cullens, her husband too. I started realising how many teachers in the school are somehow connected to the Cullens and how they're all vampires too. They all chose their spouses based on genetics, and I was next, whether I wanted to be or not.