🌪 It’s raining obsidian: GAS GAS GAS! 🌪 Dreams Pt. 12

Date: 7/7/2021

By miisguiided

Date of dream: April 1st, 2019 It was Myself and my boyfriend and we were deployed in some desert like area and there was these like stadium looking entrances and we were walking down the stairs and under neath one of the entrances to leave to go somewhere, and he asks me “why the fuck is it so quiet?” And I was like “yeah it is really quiet why is that?” And we walked out of the entrance and onto the plain and all you could see were these airplanes dropping down this Minecraft obsidian-colored fog and I knew then it was poisonous gas and I yelled to josh “what do we do!? do we need our gas masks?!” And someone running by back up the stairs to where our gear was, he said “Damn right you do!” So I grabbed josh and we ran back up the stadium steps to our gear and I found my gas mask and I remember saying “I can’t find it” then I found it and tried putting it on but the zipper would not open it was me constantly trying to open the zipper and he got his on and when I held my breathe when the fog hit us, I woke up. Disclaimer: I have sleep apnea so I believe this was another lucid dream waking me up from dying in my sleep again. Fun 🤩