Recurring dream

Date: 9/18/2021

By RingoJoy

So I had this dream before about a lady who slip through victorian to present day, she lost her memory when she fell into this time . She currently lives with a guy who has a mansion, who lives with his fiancé and her friend. Fiance had enough of the victorian lady having a good communication with the guy and having fun like goof around chating like a couple. Oh I forgot to tell you the victorian lady is now acting like a child because of the fall. So she doesn’t realise what she did wrong, she just thought she was happily chatting with Him. Fiancé kick the lady out of the mansion and the lady wonder on the street until she knock her head onto a light pole. She suddenly remembered everything. She found a horse and ride it to the mansion to report to the guy. Fiancé runs after them, horse faster rides away.