Weird old fashioned camp that i had to go to

Date: 8/20/2022

By Muffin

So i was in town with my dad and we were walking around at some kind of theatre and i was supposed to be going on a school camp thing? it was like a school camp but it wasnt during school it was during the holidays, and it was an old fashioned camp where we'd have to dress up in old clothes and stuff. i didnt really wanna go but i kind of wanted to go, so i kept asking my dad if i could stay home instead. i cant remember what he said but for the whole time we were walking around i kinda felt anxious because i didnt know if i wanted to go or not. i had this train ticket that i needed for the camp and i kept looking at it with a lot of uncertainty. Then i saw one of my friends from school was going to the camp as well and that was enough for me to decide to go. So i said bye to my dad and headed over to the train station where all the people going would meet up. we were at this corner that had lots of those things that are at airports and you put your bags in and it goes through the xray machine? they were like that but with the xray thing, we were just supposed to sit in them with our bags. i saw some other kids but i didnt recognise anyone and my friend was sitting pretty far away. thats all i remember