vulture sniper

Date: 9/14/2020

By kceisbrenner

i only remember bits and pieces,, i know me and i think lindsey rancilio?? we were on a ski hill and there was this GIANT vulture overhead chasing us and we tried to hide under this bridge thing, and it landed right next to us but all we could see was its giant feet. i don't remember what happened after that. it was a really dark night, no moon, and cold, like late fall early winter. i was outside on like one of those roads up north that's not quite a road but also not rly just a dirt atm trail. thomas and i were running down the road and we were being chased by some sort of airborne sniper-- sth like a helicopter but there was no sound so idk what it was. i feel like it might have been the vulture from the first dream. we were being shot at and we were trying to outrun it. thomas was holding a torch because it was too dark to see without it, but the sniper was following the light so i told him to throw it away. he did and it just went pitch black and we couldn't see so we were just running blindly but the thing still kept following us and we couldn't get away and that's all i remember