Date: 11/14/2019
By sadinarus
So my friend got me into BTS (a Korean singing group) and one of my favorite members is RM (Namjoon (rap Monster)) and we were all sitting somewhere (there’s 7 members). Idk where but we were by a huge ass glass window and outside the window was a river of some sort. But before we got here. RM and I were only friends and we started talking and we soon became more than just friends. We became the “it” couple. We were madly in love and we looked damn good together. And in this dream I was short. So I was always taking pictures on the side of him with my hand placed on his chest. So back to the we are here. And Idk how I knew this but some weird shit was about to happen. And so I went down the hall and I see a flood of water of some sort. And these creatures were in it. And they would turn into these huge piranha mouths. And I watched them eat people. And I went back to the group and told them that the creatures can only be in water and we have to stay away from it. But there was a moment where these weird mint green things were crawling on the walls, they were like moving turtle shells but they were pointed and sharp. And I was sitting on a couch across from Namjoon (RM) and the thing came by me! And I tried to hit at it to swat it away or punch it. Something of that sorts. And I saw it turn into a mouth. And I jumped back and I, for some reason, punched at it again and it bit off my entire hand. And it was just blood everywhere and I was yelling in pain. And I remember going over to RM and saying how much I’ll miss touching his face with that hand. And I remember the entire group standing up. And we see water come closer to us and and I see the creature inside of it. Just waiting to get closer to us. Later on in the dream. I’m alone, in the same situation in a different setting. And all I know is that RM died. And idk how, I think he got eaten by one of those creatures. But my dream never showed it. And I remember feeling empty. And I eventually found a group of my friends and we didn’t know what to do. Because at this point the water wasn’t steady it was just flowing. And I remember being with my friend Malaysia, and we were panicking but for some reason she knew what we had to do. And I remember her about to get into the river that I was overlooking before when I was up by the window with Namjoon. She, I think, got onto the creature in the water. And I feel like she died too. But I don’t know because I woke up. THE END