Mayan Rituals, Alcoholic Lions and Other Talking Animals

Date: 5/24/2017

By LionFoot65

I'm in this big creamy yellowish building that reminds me of the state capital with my brother and I see that there's an opening to this store that leads to this mall. I go in and my mom and I are looking at this picture of this Mayan temple or something and I remember that there's this symbol of circles each with 3 circles inside them that all touch the edges and after I push certain buttons, this poisonous oyster crab thing rises out of the temple ritual thing and starts trying to touch me and my mom so we just keep kicking to keep it away from us. Im in this neighborhood and I see these two lions in this old lady's backyard I immediately start petting their heads and I can actually feel their fur which I think is cool since their also really friendly. The lions start talking to me after a while which I think is funny and they invite me into their room because it turns out that they can also walk on two legs. It turns out that they have vodka and they're taking shots with it which I see is creating/promoting evil spirits inside them without their awareness. They try to offer/force me some with their evil eyes so I go tell the lady what's up but she just smiles and turns into some crazy evil demon thing and I also see this small purple gorilla thing that's next to start laughing hysterically at me. I don't really remember being scared but I do remember feeling like I had to get out of there. Next Scene: Im with some people and I see these plants with really big leaves which I have in my own backyard IRL and these moths are coming out of them and we start talking about them. Then I see this horned lizard that also seems to be part of the plant as well and we start talking to each other and I tell him to watch out for dragons in the forest by which I mean snakes since he's small enough to be eaten by them.