Date: 8/26/2021
By richellebucks
I had multiple dreams when I woke back and fell back asleep three times in the morning. Crazy how I did rem sleep three times in the morning. Dream #1 - I was at this concert thing or sports thing in this stadium with my cousin Aaron. I was lying on his lap until the event ended. I think it was a baseball event but it was in a concert venue, not a stadium. That’s all. Dream #2 - I was in a library with my friends Katherine, Jackie, tristian and fily. Jackie and Kathy were talking really loud and the librarian told them to be quiet. Then a little boy and his father came in and the little boy dropped his blue boot. Katherine’s shoe was the same shoe as the little boys. When the librarian asked who’s shoe was on the ground, Katherine said it was hers and put it on her foot. It was a little too small and the little boys boot was for the left foot and Katherine already had her left pair on. Her right-foot shoe was on the ground. The father got mad and said that’s his son shoe, and told Katherine that she’s an idiot because she couldn’t tell that it’s her shoe. I defended Katherine and told the man he didn’t have to be so angry with an attitude for no reason. He then said that I was being racist and giving him an “angry black man” stereotype. I told him I’m black myself so I can’t be racist towards him. He told me that since I’m not directly from Africa and because I’m Dominican, I’m tainted with the white mans blood and therefore not really black. I gave him and called him out more. Everyone was being silent. Then the man said “are we done here” and walked away. Fily then told me that that man runs the library and the workers let him do what he wants. Which is why nobody said anything to him. He came back with tongs and a nail clipper to take some of my skin and nail away and send my DNA to Clomid research. He held my arms and legs down and took some of my skin on my legs off and took a piece of toenail off. Nobody helped me get him off. Then he left the room and when he came back I killed him witj the tongs he used. The workers in the library named me the new boss of the library. Dream #3 I was riding around with daniel or tristian... one of them. We went to this jail with a bunch of addicts and crackheads. They were acting like zombies. We had to kill all of them as they were trying to kill us. We killed some of them but we eventually used TNT like in Minecraft to kill all the crackheads. We drove off in a heep.