soft punches

Date: 12/5/2020

By space_tubbs

i don’t remember much of it, but emily (she’s 7) and i went out on a walk to my friends house to pick up a bike. i thought it’d be fine since the sun was still out and it wouldn’t be nighttime for another 4 hours. we picked up the bike and rode it midway home. on a crosswalk, these guys started messing with us. which honestly i thought was fucked up cause i’m with a literal child, she doesn’t need to witness this. but yeah, they followed us the rest of the way home and we couldn’t jump on the bike and make a quick run. only bc it would require us to stop moving and take another few minutes to get her comfortable and blahhh. we made it to our neighborhood and i told emily to make a run for it as punched the shit out of one of the boys. but i was in a situation where i was hitting TOO SOFT. honestly that angered me :(