And everyone moved away

Date: 9/2/2020

By DaydreamRadio

One of my friends from my old band is moving. He's like Andrew but someone I'm warmer towards. We sit on his bed and talk intimately about how we write songs and what topics we write about the most. He tells me he's not sure what themes he really writes about. I, however, mention that people drive it for me. Especially when there's something unusual about them. I'm getting changed to leave so we can go together and get dressed discreetly under the covers while still talking. Joey opens the door and pokes his head in. I suppose he thinks something is up between us. By this point, I'm honestly tired of the assumption that there's something going on between me and each of my friends that are men. That said, I can see how me getting changed like this absolutely would lead him to thinking that. Finally, I realize we were supposed to leave at 5:30 and it's now 6:30, a full hour later. We go out to the field, like the entrance to a farm. I look up at the sky and there's a light moving way too fast to be a plane. I point it out and my mom, my sister, and my friends all look up at it. There's a kind of quiet acceptance. My mom leads us walking and says we'll take a blimp to go. I've never been in a blimp before. Seems like a fun thing to do. We all start heading over to the porch of someone's house where they've tied a huge blimp balloon to it, like Up! if they were actively trying to get someone killed. Sitting on the porch and feeling the concrete lift from the ground, I decide I'm not into this and get off.