Date: 9/21/2019
By garyjosiel
I’m at a gigantic supermarket-type place with my brother Larry and his family, and I see Brody, Brianna, Renee, and Kailyn at the same supermarket in the distance. I pick up my niece Elena (who for some reason weighs a freaking ton in the dream) and walk her over to introduce her to everyone. When I catch up to everyone they’re sitting on a bench that’s inside the supermarket for some reason, so I sit my niece on the table and she starts being very talkative with everyone. After a while she feels shy and hides in my arms, and Kailyn says, “Aw I see the similarities in your features. It’s like having two Gary’s but ones a really cute little girl, and the other one’s just... Gary” with a smirk.