Trump, , travel and political conversation

Date: 12/28/2017

By Bonny

I dreamt that I was in Melbourne and I had plans to go home to Warragul. On Alexandra Parade, there had been a rally set up to start at 6.30pm. There was supposed to be a TV screening from the political left against Trump. Myself and thousands of others planned to go. Alexandra Parade was a massive tunnel. There were hundreds of people travelling - we weren’t in cars but flying alongside each other in the air. As we got to the Nicholson street intersection, we realised that the road had been blocked off and we weren’t being allowed to travel along the part of the highway which was showing the tv screening. Trump was there and said anyone who tried to watch the screening would be killed, or something to that effect. Everyone was angry and afraid but no one could do anything. I felt afraid and angry too, and started to realise how big and corrupted this all was. (None of us seemed to have phones?). We had to wait until after the tv screening. I was annoyed because I needed to let mum and dad know I would be late because of this. Then we were allowed to start travelling again. I kept bumping into people I knew. Sam Quinlan was there with some people that I imagine he’d hang around (smart, politically aware, socially confident, sense of belonging) and they we were talking about what happened and what it meant. I can’t remember what they said. I think I expressed amazement at their ideas. One guy said that he and Sam had teamed up to transcribe Sam’s ideas and turn it into a book. I thought that was cool, and felt some envy - I think I was impressed and wished I could be involved in something like that. They were also with a boy whom was good looking and I kept eying him off the whole time but he kept slipping away so I tried to forget about him and focus on the conversation. As we were travelling along the eastern freeway, I noticed there was a man on a motorbike with a woman attached to the side on a bicycle. He kept lifting her up with one hand. I felt really unsafe and asked if he could please stop that. He didn’t. He set the woman down and detached her from the bike and pulled his motorcycle away. He was saying how her bike could keep going for a while before it would crash. He was basically playing around. Before her bike wobbled, he went and got her and reattached her bike to his. I kept riding for a while until we got to the end of the ‘tunnel’, which was a dead end with a long glass window. Then something felt very wrong. It felt like we were all going to be killed. Then I woke up.