The End of the World And the Future For It "For as long as I can"

Date: 10/23/2019

By CalMehJuly

Today is the last day of Earth. I'm the only one who can stop it. Nobody is helping me but myself. I run into this house. Loudly sneaking in. I bumped into this guy. I voiceover in my head that I was sneaking in a house I wasn't suppose to be in. He was JHope from BTS. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. What? I guess my voiceover is wrong...? I shyly said Hi. Jhope called over another member and then another member. Like hey shes here! Then They kissed my cheek or forehead and then hugged me. Long time no see or I miss you and etc is what they said to me. Ok? So I work here? I thought to myself. I dont remember the exact order but I did not meet Jung Kook. I met RM last. Jim second to last. V second or third and Suga second or third. I didnt tell them the world would end. I thought about it. But I didnt want them to stress it out. I went outside. They lived in a huge manion/house. 2 floors. Very fancy and bright. The world would end in the morning. A black hole or black matter fog (IDK what exactly what it is) would come from the sky and would expand bigger and bigger until the whole earth was destroyed. What would be left was blackness and nothingness. Except me. I tried I dont know how many times but probably thousands or millions or even TRILLIONS of times to stop the matter from killing earth. It was like a tv show doing quick shots for the scene of the hero trying to get better. I most likely tried to have super powers to stop it. Like one time I thought to turn myself into an AJIN. But I would have to die/get myself killed. I wanted one of the members of Bts to do it by slicing my neck with a long sharp curved sword. They didnt do it. So I super afraid had to do it myself. It didnt work. All of my tries failed. In the end I was alone. I don't know if the matter couldnt kill me or I flied away. I was in space looking down from the earth. Everything was black and dead. No water no nothing. I had the power to time travel. I traveled millions of years later. By thinking a million years later. I had an earpiece that was FUTURISTIC. It talked to me. It answered my questions and informed me when it needed to. I could see if the earth grew or not from supplies. Like how much water or ice there is. I could see the word and percentage. The earth had a little lake/pond of water. I went dont there seeing it closer. I went deep down where sea life swimed around. Fish and bigger fish. Seaweed and rocks. I was in my submarine my robot gave me. I didnt want to go down but at the same time I did. I was defying the story and script. The submarine broke because it was going down and then up. It broke and I t exploded. It went up to land. All of my supplies went out. A young woman saw my huge container of rice. I tried to hide it from her sight but she saw it anyway. Hi want to make a deal? Split your rice with my clan and you can join us. She said. Common sense wise that meant I would be protected and have help and etc. The benefits weighed the disadvantages. My next mission was to help aid humanity to evolve again. They lived in this grey rock area. A cave I think. Think of old times. Like advanced cavemen. I had native american vibes from them. There was THIS group of men training with this mentor who knew how to fight. Like it was or looked like Shadowsan from CARMAN SANDIAGO. he was teaching them skills to fight and defend. I tried to fight him but lost. So I became his student Instead. I tried to talk to my robot. But it got broken for some reason. My powers must have gone with it. I'll try to help humans survive. For as long as I can.