Production of Swan Lake

Date: 6/26/2020

By ace200

My sister was in a production of a show at my high school, and was auditioning for a community theater doing the same show. I decided to also audition. The audition ended up being a form online where they asked what my voice type was. Automatically, I was given two small roles, which I was happy with. Once my sister’s show was over (people there were asking me about the community production) we began rehearsals. It turned into my University’s theater department and auditorium. The director was my school’s drama teacher, who I don’t really like. Suddenly, we were doing the ballet Swan Lake, and I was playing the young swan in Act 1, and someone else (like a mom or peasant) in Act 2. The director was being very unclear about everything, and I had to basically make up my own choreography. I danced onstage first and sat in the corner, very soft-like and bird-like, flapping my arms gracefully and stuff. I watched as two boy dancers, playing two princes (one blonde, one brunette), got into a fight about how to rule their kingdom because the one boy (the blonde) was making changes. The stage was kind of morphing into a mix of the auditorium and my family room as furniture came onstage and windows. I could see the changes being made in the kingdom in my backyard. Anyway, once they stopped fighting, I was supposed to dance towards one of them, but the director said she didn’t care which one I danced with first. The one boy (blonde) seemed much more confident than the other, maybe a bit cocky, and he told me to dance with him first. I said yes. In my dream, my dancing wasn’t very good, and it was really hard for me to control my movements, but everyone was acting like I was doing fine. Once I danced to the boy, the director said we were going to run it again. Offstage, I wanted to change really fast because I was wearing a large white t-shirt, but nothing underneath. I pulled on a teal leotard with a little skirt attached as fast as I could, missing my cue, but still making it on time to get to my spot. Once I danced to the boy a second time, he started pulling out little devices that looked like the games you put into a DS, except they were movies. He pulled out Kiki’s Delivery Service, Ponyo, Tangled, and something else. He asked which I wanted to watch, and I said Ponyo, but then he asked if we could watch Kiki’s Delivery Service so I complied. My TV was onstage so he started walking towards it, and I was so excited that we liked the same movies. Something about Ladybug and Cat Noir happened, but I’m not sure if I remember. It might have been mixed with Meet the Robinson’s. I just know they were upset about something.