A dream that turned into another

Date: 7/11/2019

By BigDog

Leslie, my girlfriend and I were in Devon where my family often goes on holiday, we were enjoying things there when we saw a massive museum with 4 floors and a rollercoaster inside on the second. I'm scarred of heights and I suffer from vertigo but I made it to the first floor because leslie wanted to go really badly. I made it to the second and let her look around before quickly wanting to go downstairs. (May I inform you the floor and walls were all glass) We came downstairs to the exit and my mum started talking to another family so Leslie and I left. We walked to a nearby charity shop which is something we like to do. And Leslie started looking at all the films, she pulled out assasins creed, the one with Michael fasbender in. We got home, jumped on the sofa and put it in. From this point of the dream and onwards I separated from my body in the dream and inhabited the crusader who was defending an assault on a castle in jerusalem. Saladin had sent men in the night to persuade some of the guards to open the gate in exchange for their lives and they had let in a small force large enough to force us to surrender. I was captured and taken outside in the beating sun and forced to kneel before a general who mocked me. The brought my wife to the parrapit and threatened to throw her off unless I made an offering. I had a gold necklace with a golden coin pendant in the middle and raised it above my head. The man on the wall searched my wife's front to find a matching one and found one with a feather. These necklaces were thrown forward and given to the general who then claimed he had both of our lives in his hands. If I were to escape he would order her to be killed, if she were to resist I would be killed. I did not simply inherit this man's situation or body, I could think his every thought and feeling and felt determined to go back and rescue my wife. I was pushed on by some slave traders with the crack of a whip. After travelling for some distance away from the castle I decided to make a silent break for it, as the slave driver prepared to whip me and the other slaves, I pushed some of the slaves right at him, forcing him over and the slaves quickly seized revenge from the daily whipping grabbing rocks to smash on his face. I ran east from the direction of the slaves into some nearby bushes and then further still, running through field and crops until I heard a human but strange voice shouting at me. I turned and saw a ragged man dressed in goats skin holding a primitive bow shouting at what I presume were his friends. I ran east again and tried to outrun them but he was quickly on my heels and I had to get rid of him. As I stopped running and turned around he drew his bow and loosed and arrow the glided by me on the right, I began to run zig zag as I closed the gap between us while another arrow glance my right arm letting a little blood. In pain I ran to my right and behind a large hedge I found their camp with about 6 of them sleeping around a fire. In order not to wake them I grabbed a makeshift axe that was lying on the floor and ran back toward the threat in order to draw him away from his friends. He was still shouting and so I ran straight at him and as he drew again, I smashed into the bow with my axe and knocked it away loosing the arrow toward the camp. I struck again deep into the side of his neck and ripped out the axe to let the hole I had just made kill him, I kept running east but now found myself being chased by the men he had called at the start of our encounter and they howled at me when they saw his body and his broken bow. I kept running until I was met with a hill, I ran up the hill until I reached the top and turned around to make a last stand. The first was right behind me and screamed as he ran at me. An axe he held above his head and I dodged and returned the gesture with an axe of my own in his back which made him fall. The second enraged by another death stormed toward me but was slipping on the hill of sand. I slid down the hill feet first and kicked him in the face before lifting my axe and swinging it down into his head. The third was at the foot of the hill and had been loosing arrows that were near misses every shot. One flew at me at that moment And struck his dead friend in the leg. I ran at him with incredible speed gifted from the sandy hill as he loosed an arrow again to my right. I began to see the pattern and made sure that I always jumped to the left when I saw him about to let the arrow fly. He missed and missed again until I was right on him and as I charged and raised my axe in the air he loosed and arrow hitting my hand and pushing straight through. Lodged in my hand the pain was unbearable and I dropped the axe and slowly forced the arrow out my hand. Not taking his advantage due to arrogance or curiosity he stood blankly at the sight. With an arrow now for a weapon I charged again and sprinted toward him. He drew his bow again and I jumped to the left to avoid the shot but it had been expected and the arrow pierced my leg and went through my ballsack. I am not sure if I stood again to fight or if I slowly woke up now but I cannot stop thinking about the ending of this dream. I guess I'll never know.