Volcano Explosion mt.Ruapehu

Date: 9/9/2017

By Norswil

I was staying in a high rise hotel, with 2 friends, we'd just woken up. Our room was empty and we slept on blowup mattresses. The room had an amazing view, you could see a wide flat landscape, the Taupo plaines with mt. Ruapehu looming up, into the clouds in the distance. We were sitting in bed talking, I get up to get a coffee and hear a loud, sharp rumble. I turn to look through the window. 'Did the mountain just break?' I thought. I look closer. Boom!!!!!! I see the mountain explode! Rock and fire blast into the air. My friends all jump up and look in astonishment. A shock wave hits and shakes the hotel. Now a fiery wall of rock and ash was rushing towards us like an avalanche, with a deafening rumble. A loud whirling alarm came on. "Run!! To the roof!!" Someone screams. We get up and run out of the room. "Hey! Grab a bed! We might need it!" I run back and get one of the blowup mattresses. I quickly look to the window to see a smokey, grey wave about to hit the hotel. I turn and run, I get to the stairs in the hallway when the whole building shakes and moans. 'It hit us!' I try stay on my feet as the building moves. I get to the roof and join everyone. There's nothing to see, just hot smoke and ash everywhere and people huddled together crying. *There was more that happened here, but I can't remember it too well. The next day?... * I walk through the disaster zone and see crashed buildings and things. I walk to a friend's place(a guy I hardly know) We start playing poker and drinking scotch. Effy, the sister of a crazy chick I used to date, shows up and starts shit. Shouting and slapping me, the starts trying to make out with the guy i'm with, climbing up on his lap. I just sit there thinking 'This is ridiculous, it isn't happening.' The guy looks around between big, sloppy open mouth kissing and says "Yo, it's your turn, are we still playing poker here?" ...turns out she just wanted some weed. He gave her a handful and she left. Then a whole bunch of random people came over and we had a party.