Date: 12/17/2017
By seascarlet
Mom, dad and a rich uncle took me to Port au Prince, which was a town in South FL instead of the capitol of Haiti. They wanted me to check out a college there that I'd been automatically accepted to based on past accomplishments. I was ok with it at first, but felt strange and sort of stressed and depressed. This started manifesting itself in indirect ways like sleepwalking. One night and then the following day I climbed out the window onto the second story roof of our condo and sat down at the edge of the roof. I think I would have jumped had I not woken up.The first time I woke myself up and then it was my mom who woke me up. She was very upset. Both times I had to slowly work my way backwards to keep from falling in the street below. Then one day I went sleepwalking down the street half naked. Then I noticed some holograms of flowers in horizontal bouquets floating above the street in a circle. They were yellow lillies and some other type of yellow flower. A sign said you could change one of the bouquets to whatever type of flower you wanted for your love to see, for $12. But they aren't even real, I thought. Then my dad picked me up in his car and I was more awake now and embarrassed. At some point I started to realize how stressed out I was and why, and I gave voice to it to my parents and uncle. I asked why we were on this trip and what it was supposed to accomplish because I didn't want to go back to school in another state. They said I should still check it out and maybe just go for a year. I said no, I'm engaged and done with school and I don't want to move. I started acting more and more like my sister who was suddenly with us. Not my sister irl, but a teenage girl with autism who used to be one of my clients. She wasn't enjoying this trip either. At some point I asked my parents if she was even real, or just a projection of some other part of myself. I don't remember if they gave me an answer.