Digital art, In a picturesque scene, a group of siblings delight in a dream where they stand in a serene Italian lake, embraced by friendly fish, embark on an architectural exploration, stumble upon an abandoned pink Victorian-style house with a mesmerizing rooftop waterfall flowing into a koi pond, and capture stunning photographs, only to be awakened by the bittersweet realization that it was all a figment of their imagination.

best dream ever.

Date: 4/22/2020

By dar-bee

i was standing in a stagnant lake in southern italy with my mother and sisters. there were lots of fish swimming around our feet and kissing our legs. we decided to drive around and look at the architecture of buildings and houses. we found a pink victorian-style house that was older and looked like nobody lived there anymore. there was a waterfall that came from the roof of the house and cascaded down to the base of the house. we decided to get out and explore it. we discovered that the waterfall led to a koi pond that surrounded the house and went underneath the porch. my sisters and i decided go in the pond and the koi loved to play with us. i’m a photographer so i also dreamt i took a lot of really beautiful photos which was kind of disappointing waking up and realizing none of it was real.