Ocean Vacation

Date: 5/22/2023

By Jacker44

I was on a vacation in the South Pacific with some friends. The goal of the trip was to just go on some cool runs, bum it, and keep it as cheap as possible. We found some incredible spots to camp. On the shore of the ocean there were these old abandoned military hangers. There were rooms beneath the concrete foundations that were surprisingly clean so we all slept in them. Furthermore there were enough hangers that each of my friends and I all got our own. It was beautiful. It seemed like we were in a mangrove forest and the sunsets over the ocean were gorgeous. The next day I went for a crazy run. In it there was this belly crawl. The trail was way up this cliff side and you had to crawl through the area to continue. It was pretty sketchy but I did it without issue and had a great run. That night I was walking some railroad tracks on the shore with another guy. There was some spark between us and we began to make out later. I felt confident about the way I felt, I had never felt so certain that I was Bi rather than Bi-curious. Eventually I had to go to have time to get back to my camp spot for the night. He and I locked eyes and said thanks. I remember missing him deeply as I left. Later on, my friends and I got word that some man was coming to kick us out of our camp spot. We quickly tried to hide all our stuff but it was no use, he arrived. He looked like a military cop, the embodiment of enforcement. For what ever reason nothing ever came of the incident though, we merely talked about our travel plans with the man. The last part of the dream I went back to the belly crawl run to run it again. I entered the belly crawl and began to travel through it, it was exceedingly tight and much smaller than I remembered it. I was starting to get worried with how soft the dirt was, I realized it was smaller because part of the cliff side had collapsed here. Pieces around me started to collapse as well so I slowly started to make my way back. It was painfully slow and scary but I remained calm and composed and got back to safety.