Date: 7/4/2019
By Nuclear
I was at some gym looking place, ttons of stalls and people talking sitting on the ground.. Well before I got into that room a T Rex was chasing me and bit my legs off but I seemed to forget it once I entered the gym, got my legs back, went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.. Right then I became lucid. Some hot Russian girl I know was looking at me like I'm hot red meat, I grabbed her and she were smiling in a kinky way, I fucked her and she loved it, I noticed something strange.. "wtf I'm not waking up" Usually after like 10 seconds I wake up, but this went on for like 5 minutes.. I did everything to her, 0 gag reflexes from her cuz it's a dream, I had so much time to try everything. I felt real as usual, I felt I was close to cumming but I couldn't, I knew it might end up with me wetting my bed but it was so worth it.. So I tried climaxing but couldn't quite get there so I went faster and faster but I woke up before I could finish. Which is strange because I'm sure that in real life in that situation I'd cum in 20 seconds :( Anyway satisfying dream.