the rat race

Date: 5/12/2022

By juulianjuice

fuck this dream. it was way longer and more detailed but this all i remember. picture geronimo stilton but realistic and not orange. i was a rat person who looked like that, with a bunch of other rat people. we were dirty and in a dark underground expansive area. the mob of us were chasing someone down, don’t remember who or why i just remember they were ‘an outsider’. we got this person after running through a bunch of rooms after them. it was creepy. after they were caught my unease about being in the rat group was presenting. i decided as they made it back to the main area, i would duck and hide away. so i sneaked off and stood into a blue cabinet as they left. i was hiding here but could imagine their conversation about me. they noticed one rat was missing and they had to come get whoever it was. they came back my way and immediately flung the door open. i felt really scared but can’t recall what else happened.