Forced to go back to high school, kid in a wheelchair flirts with me but I leave him behind

Date: 2/21/2025

By randybobandy

I had to return to high school, apparently I wasn’t allowed to graduate from law school on time because I was missing a gym credit. I had to attend high school two times a week for a full day. It felt so dehumanizing, I wasn’t allowed to leave early even though I’m 27 and my last two periods were both study halls. Also I wasn’t allowed to drive there but no one was because there was no parking. After school every day we all had to walk home and it was extremely time consuming. I was so infuriated at how much of my day was wasted with all of this just for a gym credit. One day I was walking home and a senior guy started flirting with me. I immediately rejected him because I have no interest in a teenager. He did not accept the rejection and said to me “Nah, you’re mine.” He said it in a light flirty way, while smiling, and not a scary angry way. But I rolled my eyes and kept walking, ignoring him. He said “I’ll keep you company for your walk.” He came up alongside me and I realized he was in a wheelchair. I couldn’t see before somehow because of the crowd of people. He kept trying to walk with me but he was much slower than me in the wheelchair. I considerably slowed my pace trying not to be rude. Sometimes there would be an obstruction on the sidewalk where only one of us could get around at a time and I would stop and let him go first again trying not to be rude. However all of this was getting me so frustrated knowing I had so much to do when I got home and this was just wasting my time even further. So I sped back up to my naturally fast pace. After a little bit I was already pretty far away from him. He was just silent and never said anything after that. I felt so bad leaving him behind but I chose to keep going my own way anyway.