Going back to middle school for a day

Date: 8/1/2018

By picho

There was some sort of school event on, a sports thing that had "ice" in the name. At some point I had asked Lizzy to go with me but she didn't. I was showing up not knowing what to do - apparently, sometimes we went straight to the sports block to get changed in the morning. I considered going this way - which was the wrong way to the sports block, for the record - before changing my mind and going in normally. This part I can't remember, but the next bit I do remember is going into my year 7 form classroom. My old friends were there, but obviously more grown up than like 12 years old. Some of them were wearing high school uniforms, some were wearing a disgusting middle school one with a shiny good, some were wearing a weird new purple sports kit and the majority were in their old middle school uniform. I saw my old seat and it was empty. I tell Nathan "tell me if anyone's sitting here," to which he pretty much ignores it, so I sit. I realise now Holly is also in her old seat, and say, "Huh, if Reece was here it would be our old seats," before realising everyone else is, too. I look at how people have changed. One kid now has a huge black afro that's going all over the place. The teacher starts talking but Nathan, Holly and I are just talking. I notice Frej giving me a pretty intense look. I ignore it and go back to the conversation. At some point seats have switched and I'm now sitting next to Holly, who produces a bottle of vodka. What a lad. "What? We're better at doing illegal shit in public now," We don't have proper glasses, only cheap plastic ones they usually have in middle school. No issue, because she just pours a bit of vodka into those ones. We now have bottles of ASDA juice - one apple and one blueberry. We take the blueberry one and pour it into our glasses, deciding to test our new drink mixing skills lmaoo. It tasted eh - not good, not bad. But definitely not good.